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Historic Royal Palaces blog

Insights and behind the scenes from our palaces

Insights and behind the scenes from our palaces

A Model of Queenship: Lady Elizabeth's Summer with Katherine Parr

20 September 2024

Tracy Borman travels back to 1544, when Elizabeth spent a happy summer at Hampton Court Palace watching her beloved stepmother, Katherine Parr act as Regent. This visit would have an enduring impact on the young princess.

Hampton Court's worst enemy: how we deal with the mealybug

21 October 2019

At Hampton Court we look after 60 acres of formal gardens and hundreds of thousands of plants, making these mealybug pests some of our worst enemies.

Works of art on paper: a few stories behind the images

01 October 2019

With HRP’s collection of works of art on paper, people usually think that our collection is mostly made up of views of the palaces and fusty portraits of Kings and Queens, and often, that is largely what it is. But the truth about many objects is that even if they are quite mundane in themselves, it is the stories behind the image which makes these items so fascinating.

A Real Royal Visit: Princess Mary at Hillsborough Castle, 1928

20 September 2019

Princess Mary was the only daughter of King George V and Queen Mary, and visited Hillsborough Castle as a royal guest in 1928. Beatrice Meecham from the Curators team explores this important royal visit.

Up close with the finials: Secrets of a State Bed

13 September 2019

Out of the 41 textile components of the state bed, the first to be conserved were the finials. Rosie Chamberlin and Charlotte Gamper, two of our textile conservation team, worked together to conserve the four urn-shaped ornamental features that sit at the corners of the bed tester.

A tour of Kew's Kitchen Garden

10 September 2019

Like Kew Palace and the Royal Kitchens, the Kitchen Garden is open seasonally to visitors, from April to October. But work in the garden continues all year round. Let's take a tour...

Displaying Queen Mary II's Exoticks Collection

28 August 2019

You may well have heard of Queen Mary II's Exoticks Collection or seen the plants in the gardens or in the glasshouse nurseries at Hampton Court. If you haven't, here is a brief description so you'll know what to look out for on your next visit.

Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha: Monarchy's moderniser

26 August 2019

On the 200th birthday of Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Professor John R Davis argues that Albert's influence helped Queen Victoria rescue the British Monarchy.

Renewable energy meets conservation: the Hydro House at Hillsborough

19 August 2019

To the very north of the park at Hillsborough Castle and Gardens, for the adventurous visitor prepared to explore the Perimeter Walk, is the Hydro House. Historic Royal Palaces restored and re-commissioned the Hydro House in 2017 and it now produces enough electricity to continuously power 100 mobile phones!

Queen Caroline's bed undergoes conservation: Secrets of a state bed

15 August 2019

As supervisor of the furnishing conservation team at Historic Royal Palaces, I lead a team of four conservators over five years to conserve one of our tallest beds, Queen Caroline's state bed. The bed is part of the Royal Collection, and can usually be found on display at Hampton Court Palace.