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Protest and Rebellion

At The Tower of London

about this session

Key stage 3 | Subject: History | Topics: Tudors, Elizabethans, 20th and 21st Century, Crime and punishment | Session Type: Route-based

Throughout history, the Tower of London has been viewed as a symbol of awe and fear: an uncontested fortress against all invaders. Yet the reality of the Tower is complex.

This session investigates the Tower of London as a hotbed of protest and rebellion. Exploring the stories of the Peasants’ Revolt, Edward Francis the runaway slave and Leonora Cohen the suffragette, students will discover the power and courage of ordinary, often underrepresented people against the strength of this mighty fortress.

Learning objectives

Students will:

  • Investigate the Tower of London as a hotbed of protest over the centuries.
  • Discover stories from the Peasants’ Revolt, 17th century slavery and women’s suffrage in order to develop an understanding of underrepresented histories.

National Curriculum links

  • The development of Church, state and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1509.
  • The development of Church, state and society in Britain 1509-1745.
  • Challenges for Britain, Europe and the wider world 1901 to the present day.
  • Understanding how people’s lives have shaped this nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world.

Booking Information

Monday - Friday
10.30, 12.00, 13.30

60 minutes

Up to 35 students

£104 plus admission

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Tower of London Significant People Biographies and Key Facts

Download short editable biographies of significant people at the Tower of London. Use key facts, activities and historic sources to explore who lived and worked at the Tower of London.