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Slade Primary School

Slade Primary School, Tonbridge, Kent

The group of children who created Slade Primary School’s design called themselves ‘Unity’ and wanted this to be the value reflected by their ‘living bench’. The nature theme was inspired by the school’s active forest school, garden and allotment which promote positive wellbeing. Their design represents the unity of different people and cultures through flowers, each symbolising the shared values of their school and the UK, from bluebells for kindness to lavender for peace. Elm leaves weave throughout to represent strength and hands form the trunks of trees to represent growing together as a nation. A quote from King Charles’ first Christmas speech is included along with a winding path symbolising each person’s individual path leading the way to the future. Clustered around the pathway are some of the 54 flowers representing the countries of the Commonwealth.

This bench was brought to life in collaboration with artist Jill Busby - an artist, graphic designer and arts teacher.

the winning design

We thought this design was really beautifully drawn and well thought through. We particularly liked the words on it.

Tower of London Schools Coronation Competition Judges

the bench at the tower

Coronation Benches at the Tower of London for the Tower of London Schools Coronation Competition
Coronation Benches at the Tower of London
Coronation Benches at the Tower of London for the Tower of London Schools Coronation Competition

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