About this learning resource
Format: Video
Dr Sally Tuckett, Lecturer in Dress and Textile Histories, University of Glasgow describes her interest in historic fashion. She explains why the study of fashion and dress is so useful for social historians and what the study of royal and court dress tells us.
Exam board links
Supports Art, Craft and Design and Textile Design specifications for OCR, AQA and Edexcel.
Learning objectives
- Understand that historic fashion can teach us about the past.
- Understand the role that royal courts have historically had in creating fashion.
- Understand why Kensington Palace is important in the history of royal fashion.
Resource Information
Key Stage
- KS5 (age 16+)
- Art & Design
- Georgians
- Videos
- Kensington Palace
A timeline charting key events during the Georgian era in Kensington Palace’s history.
The formal mantua was a popular type of court dress in the 18th Century.
Examine the meaning and social history of court fashion during the 18th Century.