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Presenting the past

About this session

Key stage 3 | Areas of learning: History, Language & Literacy, Economic Awareness, Education for Sustainable Development | Topic: Preservation & conservation of a historical site | Session Type: Route-based

Hillsborough Castle is an important historical site, with a rich history. It requires conservation but also needs to be open and accessible for all. How would you balance, the sometimes conflicting, demands on the site? What stories would you tell?

Students will discover the changing uses and roles of Hillsborough Castle over time. They will evaluate the historical evidence present in the building and try to evaluate the importance of the different historical narratives that could be presented. Students will then work together to choose key stories to tell and present to the public, suggest future improvements, apportion budget, and present their proposals to the class.

Learning objectives

Students will:

• Learn that Hillsborough Castle has a rich and varied history from Georgian times to today.
•  Learn that historic buildings are sources of information and can be presented in different ways, requiring both conservation and development.
• Consider the range of historical narratives and evaluate their importance.
• Explore a range of economic and environmental factors of importance when conserving, preserving, and opening an historic site to the public.

National Curriculum links

This session supports:

• Development of historical enquiry skills.
• Development of critical thinking skills.
• Development of speaking and listening skills and presenting a persuasive argument.
• Ability to balance a wide range of economic and environmental concerns and reach a conclusion.
• Consideration of budget planning and economic development.
• Students to work together as a team, to find answers, reach a decision and present their findings.

Booking Information

Thursdays only
10.30, 13.00

90 minutes

Up to 30 students


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