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Power and Politics

About this session

Key stage 2 | Areas of learning: The World Around Us, Personal Development and Mutual Understanding, Working with Others, Shared Learning | Topic: Conflict & Resolution, Georgians | Session type: Route-based 

A long-standing disagreement between two powerful families threatens everyone’s happiness. What would you do to solve the dispute of 'who is most powerful'?

Students will meet a costumed presenter portraying a member of the Hill family at the centre of a dispute between the Hills and the Stewarts, regarding power and standing in the community.

As they explore Hillsborough Castle, students will investigate the idea of power, where it comes from, and how it is symbolised and displayed. They will discover the consequences of an abuse of power, uncover the origins of Parliament and help their host decide how to solve the disagreement between two great Anglo-Irish families.

Learning objectives

Children will:

• Learn that Hillsborough Castle is both a home and a place of political importance.
• Learn that power is displayed and symbolised in many different ways.
• Learn that we can look to the past to help us solve problems today.
• Learn how Parliament came to be.

National Curriculum links

This session supports:

• Finding out about a famous person/family in the past.
• Exploring how people and places have changed over time.
• Exploring an historical building.
• Development of historical enquiry skills.
• Development of speaking and listening skills and asking perceptive questions.
• Exploring causes of conflict and appropriate responses.
• Children to recognise the importance of democratic decision making.
• Children to compare and contrast their feelings with someone in the past.

Booking Information

Tuesdays and Wednesdays
10.30, 11.45, 13.00

60 minutes

Up to 32 children


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