Explore and learn about Hillsborough Castle and Gardens
What we offer
- Hands-on learning sessions
- Easy-to-use classroom resources
- Teacher Taster events
- Programmes designed with teachers
- Closely aligned with National Curriculum
- Engaging session presenters in period costume
Bookings are now open for the 2024/25 academic year.
Plan and book a school visit
All the planning, practical and booking information you need for your school trip to Hillsborough Castle and Gardens.
School sessions
Our curriculum-based sessions for primary, secondary and SEND schools are led by expert presenters, who bring Hillsborough Castle and Gardens to life.
Teacher familiarisation days
Familiarisation Days are offered free of charge to all teachers who are leading, or thinking of leading, a school visit to one of our sites.
Join our Teacher Network
We collaborate with teachers to design our schools programme. Sign up and take part in our many opportunities
Travel Bursary Scheme
Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are now closed
Hillsborough Castle Learning Resources
Check out our new learning resources to support teaching for Key Stage 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Garden Self-led Visits New for 2024-25
Take your students on an adventure when you visit Hillsborough Castle & Gardens. Our free resources are designed to help you plan and make the most of your visit.
Safety and security
As with many public venues Historic Royal Palaces uses a range security measures to help minimise the possibility of terrorist, or other criminal activity taking place, and these measures also include procedures to deal with incidents should they actually happen.
Security StatementPhotography and filming
Visitors are welcome to take photographs without flash within Hillsborough Castle. Photographic equipment- such as tripods and selfie sticks- should not be used inside the building. Filming is not permitted within the palace.
Historic Royal Palaces is a safeguarding-aware organisation and takes it's responsibility to protect children and vulnerable people seriously. We may sometimes ask therefore that visitors refrain from filming or photographing other visitors. If you have any concerns about a member of the public taking photos of your school or education group, please speak to a member of staff.
We want children, young people and vulnerable adults to have meaningful, enjoyable and safe experiences when they engage with our palaces and stories.
Winner - The Sandford Award for Heritage Education 2024
Hillsborough Castle and Gardens offers a sensory adventure of learning across this vast site, carefully designed and delivered to enable all to learn and enjoy their visit to this beautiful Georgian Castle and its stunning grounds. Skilled and experienced live interpreters are the cornerstone of delivery and successfully bring Hillsborough’s key personalities and stories to life. Wider interpretation, resources and collections ensure visitors can explore the huge significance of this place in local, national and international affairs from a range of perspectives. Learning is at the heart of Hillsborough’s strategic planning and there are exciting plans for further opportunities to learn about the gardens and wider Castle estate. Hillsborough Caste and Gardens is therefore thoroughly deserving of its first Sandford Award.
Sandford award assessor