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Entertaining the tudors

about this session

Key stage 1 | Subject: History | Topics: Tudors | Session Type: Classroom/Route-based

Find out how the Tudors liked to have fun!

Hampton Court was Henry VIII’s party palace where the court and important people visited to have fun.

In this session, children will find out about the ways in which the Tudor court was entertained, who did the entertaining and the importance of their roles.

Children will also have the chance to play some Tudor games themselves!

Learning objectives

Children will:

  • Find out how people had fun at the Tudor court.
  • Compare and contrast the different ways that the Tudors had fun and entertained themselves, with us today.
  • Explore the palace spaces to discover the diverse people who provided the entertainment at the Tudor court.

National Curriculum links

This session supports:


  • Developing an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time.
  • Identifying similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.
  • Significant historical events, people and places in their locality.

Booking Information

Wednesday - Friday
10.30, 11.45, 13.15

This session is also available on our Schools only Tuesdays:


Tuesday 24 September  
Tuesday 22 October
Tuesday 26 November  


Tuesday 25 February   
Tuesday 25 March  
Tuesday 20 May  
Tuesday 8 July 

45 minutes

Up to 35 pupils

£104 plus admission

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