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Dynasty and Doctrine

about this session

Key stage 4 | Subject: History | Topics: Tudors | Session type: Depth study

Doctrine or dynasty? In this session, students will explore the actions of King Henry VIII and his ministers as they reshaped the religious map of England, assessing the repercussions of those decisions for Henry's queens, his court and beyond.

Students will examine primary documentary and physical evidence in order to analyse the causes and consequences of the break with Rome and its aftermath as seen through the lens of Hampton Court Palace.

Learning objectives

Students will:

  • Investigate the influence of key figures on Henry VIII during the English Reformation.
  • Debate the extent to which the decisions benefitted Henry, his reign and his legacy.

Exam board links

This session has been designed to complement the study of King Henry VIII’s reign, and particularly the following exam boards:


  • Paper 2: Period study and British depth study B3: Henry VIII and his ministers 1509-40.


  • Component group 3: British Depth study: The English Reformation c. 1520-c.1550.

Booking Information

Wednesday - Friday
10.30, 13.00

This session is also available on our Schools only Tuesdays:


Tuesday 24 September
Tuesday 22 October
Tuesday 26 November 


Tuesday 25 February
Tuesday 25 March
Tuesday 20 May
Tuesday 8 July 

90 minutes

Up to 35 students

£114 plus admission

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Tudor Kings and Queens Biographies and key facts

Download short editable biographies of Tudor Kings and Queens.

Use key facts, activities and historic sources to explore these famous monarchs.