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Working environment

Interesting and challenging roles in a unique working environment

"I would never have thought that there would be a job for someone like me in the heritage industry before joining HRP, but I would encourage everyone looking for a job to think outside the box!"

Catherine Buffrey, Senior Creative Producer (CP&I)

Types of opportunities

It takes a huge team of people with wide-ranging skills to look after and manage our magnificent palaces. Here are just a few of the exciting roles that make it all possible.

Retail assistants

Our themed shops at each of our palaces sell a large variety of merchandise to visitors from all over the world. It is the job of the retail team to make each palace an unforgettable experience for every single customer

A male staff member from the warding team is shown in his uniform.

Warders and Explainers

The main task for our warding and explaining teams is to welcome our many visitors and help them make the most of their day exploring the palaces. They have an important role bringing history to life through the true stories of palace life.


First impressions are lasting impressions! We consider welcoming our visitors a very important role at all our palaces. The roles within our Welcome Centres include selling entrance tickets, guidebooks and assisting visitors within any queries they may have.

Female staff wearing uniform stands in between two glasshouses.

Gardens and estates

Our team of gardeners based at Hampton Court Palace, Kensington Palace and Hillsborough Castle and Gardens are responsible for the upkeep of our stunning formal gardens and grounds to ensure they look their best throughout the year, guaranteeing an unforgettable visit for our thousands of visitors.

Learning and engagement

With approximately 250,000 educational visitors every year, our goal is to deliver a stimulating, engaging and valuable learning experience for everyone from infant school age to families and adults. The Learning team works with colleagues and costumed presenters to deliver a range of learning opportunities to diverse audiences. Our Events and Partnership team delivers interactive learning activities for families onsite, offsite and online.

A male staff member in a jacket is shown.


Our team of highly skilled conservators are constantly striving to save our priceless artefacts for future generations. These can include priceless 500-year-old tapestries to royal wedding dresses.

"I love working in a wonderful historic environment with enthusiastic colleagues who all strive to ensure the customer has an enjoyable and memorable experience."

Joanna Mitchell, Retail Business Development

Browse more history and stories

Oliver Cromwell

Soldier, Statesman, Lord Protector

William the Conqueror

England's first Norman King

The story of Hampton Court Palace

Home of Henry VIII and the Tudor dynasty