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Headshot of Anthony Musson

Professor Anthony Musson

Position: Head of Research


Anthony is variously qualified as an historian, musician and lawyer! He read history and music at King’s College, Cambridge, where he gained his doctorate, though later studied law and was Called to the Bar at the Middle Temple. He is currently leading the major AHRC-funded project on Tudor royal progresses, 'Henry VIII on Tour: Landscapes, Communities and Performance'.

He guided HRP’s successful bids for AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership funding as part of the REACH Consortium and has previously held grants for projects on Lawyers in Society (ESRC), the Medieval English Court of Chivalry (Leverhulme Trust) and the Jewish History of the Tower of London (Rothschild Hanadiv). Prior to joining HRP, he was Professor of Legal History at the University of Exeter. He has appeared on TV and radio and published extensively on legal, political, and visual culture in the medieval and early modern periods.

Select publications

Musson, A., Dodd, G., Lacey, H. (eds.), People, Power and Identity in the Late Middle Ages: A Festschrift for W. Mark Ormrod (Abingdon: Routledge, 2021)

Musson, A., ‘Illuminated English Law Books’, Clio@Themis (Revue electronique histoire du droit), 21 (2021).

Musson A., and Cooper, J.P.D. (eds.), Royal Journeys in Early Modern Europe: Progresses, Palaces and Panache (Abingdon: Routledge, 2022).