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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Sessions

SEND School Session at the Tower of London Learning Centre featuring object handling, costumes, arts and crafts activities.

Colonel Blood and the Crown Jewels

This interactive session enables students to explore the real-life story of the attempted theft of the crown jewels by Colonel Blood in 1671.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Subject: History
Topic: Stuarts
Session Type: Classroom-based

The White Tower detail, looking south. The focus of this image is on the first floor arches. 

The White Tower was begun in the reign of William the Conqueror (1066-87) and completed by 1100. The fortress was originally faced with huge blocks of pale marble-like Caen stone imported from Normandy. In 1636-8 the external appearance of the White Tower was significantly altered with the replacement of much of its cut-stone work and window surrounds with Portland stone. 

The primary role of the White Tower was as a fortress and stronghold but it also served as a royal residence and as the setting for major governmental and ceremonial functions.

The White Tower and the Normans (MLD session)

Explore the events leading up to the Conquest, its effects, and what the construction of the Tower of London can tell us about the way William I was able to keep control throughout the country.

Moderate learning difficulties (MLD) and Key stage 3
Subject: History
Topics: Normans
Session Type: Route-based

Tower of London viewed from the River Thames under a blue sky

Pirate Prisoners MLD

From a hill overlooking the River Thames, the Tower has seen many people come and go over the centuries.  The river has been used for trade, migration, exploration and crime. Join us to learn more about how to become a pirate or, if you can secure Royal backing, a privateer.

Moderate learning difficulties (MLD) and Key stage 2
Subject: History
Topics: Tudors, Stuarts, trade and migration
Session Type: Route-based