about this session
Key stage 4 | Subject: History | Topics: Elizabethans, Tudors | Session Type: Depth study
As a young princess, Elizabeth was sent to the Tower of London by her half-sister, Queen Mary I. In 1559, Queen Elizabeth I returned under very different circumstances: this time, for her coronation.
Students will examine the Tower of London’s buildings, alongside documentary evidence, in order to evaluate whether the Tower can be used as a barometer of national turmoil. To what extent does the Elizabethan history of the Tower reflect the succession crises, assassination plots and religious unrest that characterised the reign of this complex queen?
Learning objectives
Students will:
- Use the physical remains of the Tower of London to explore the causes and consequences of the political and religious turmoil of the Elizabethan age.
- Evaluate the impact of Elizabeth’s reign on society, considering whether it was truly a ‘Golden Age’ for her subjects.
Exam board links
This session has been designed to complement the study of Elizabeth I’s reign, and particularly the following exam boards:
- AQA, Paper 2: Shaping the Nation, Section B: Elizabethan England, c.1568-1603.
- Edexcel, Paper 2: Period study and British depth study B4: Early Elizabethan England, 1558-88.
- OCR B, Component group 1: British Depth study: The Elizabethans, 1558-1603.
- Eduqas, Component 1: British Study in Depth 1B: The Elizabethan Age, 1558-1603.
- WJEC, Unit 1: Studies in Depth – Wales and the wider perspective 1A: The Elizabethan Age, 1558-1603
Booking Information
Monday - Friday
10.30, 13.00
90 minutes
Up to 35 students
£114 plus admission
Elizabeth I's Tower of London Significant People Biographies
Download short editable biographies of Elizabeth I's Tower of London Significant People. Use key facts, activities and historic sources to explore various people connected to Queen Elizabeth.