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Mid-Tudor Crisis

about this session

Key stage 5 | Subject: History | Topics: Tudors, Elizabethans | Session type: Depth study

Succession for the taking? The Mid-Tudor period saw the stability of the monarchy and its future legacies thrown into question.

In this session, students will analyse the Tower of London's buildings, together with documentary evidence to explore the Tower’s use by Tudor kings and queens as a symbol of fear and power during this turbulent period.

Exam board links

This session has been designed to complement the study of the Mid-Tudor period, and particularly the following exam boards:

  • AQA, Unit 1C: The Tudors: England, 1485–1603, Part Two.
  • Edexcel Unit 1B: England, 1509–1603: authority, nation and religion.
  • Edexcel, Paper 3, Option 31: Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors, 1485–1603.
  • OCR, Unit 1 Y106: England 1485–1558: the Early Tudors (Enquiry topic: Mid Tudor Crises 1547-1558).
  • OCR, Unit 1 Y107: England 1547–1603: the Later Tudors. (Enquiry topic: Mid Tudor Crises 1547-1558)
  • WJEC, Unit 1, period study (AS): Government, rebellion and society in Wales and England c.1485-1603.
  • WJEC, Unit 2, depth study (AS):The Mid Tudor Crisis in Wales and England c.1529-1570, Part 1: Problems, threats and challenges c. 1529-1553.
  • WJEC, Unit 3, breadth study (A2): Poverty, Protest and Rebellion In Wales and England c.1485-1603.
  • WJEC, Unit 4, depth study (A2): The Mid Tudor crisis in Wales and England c. 1529-1570, Part 2: Challenges facing Mary and Elizabeth c. 1553-1570.

Booking Information

Monday - Friday
10.30, 13.00

90 minutes

Up to 25 pupils

£114 per session plus admission

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Tudor Kings and Queens Biographies and key facts

Download short editable biographies of Tudor Kings and Queens.

Use key facts, activities and historic sources to explore these famous monarchs.