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Apply Within: Victorian Servants

about this session

Key stage 2 | Areas of learning: The World Around Us, Numeracy, Language and Literacy, Working with Others | Topic: Victorians, Servants | Session type: Route-based

The Hills require new staff; please apply within. Have you got what it takes to be a servant in the home of one of the richest landowners in Ireland?

Children will meet a costumed presenter portraying a member of staff employed at Hillsborough Castle. As they explore the State Rooms and try some short drama activities, students will uncover the different roles of servants, and the hierarchy between them. 

Children will use replica artefacts to undertake a few short tasks to see if they are up to the job.

Learning objectives

Children will:

• Learn that Hillsborough Castle and Gardens is a home and requires many servants to ensure it runs smoothly.
• Learn that being a servant in a 'big house' was a desirable job.
• Learn about the different roles of servants in Victorian times.
• Learn that people in the past lived differently according to their background.

National Curriculum links

This session supports:

• Finding out about a famous person/family in the past.
• Exploring distinctive features of life in the past i.e. the lives of servants in an Anglo-Irish 'big house'.
• Exploring an historical building.
• Development of historical enquiry skills.
• Development of speaking and listening skills and asking perceptive questions
• Comparison between life now and in the past.

Booking Information

Tuesdays and Wednesdays
10.30, 11.45, 13.00

60 minutes

Up to 32 children


Book your school visit back to Primary school sessions