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Elizabeth I: Politics and Power

about this session

Key stage 3 | Subject: History | Topics: Elizabethans, Tudors | Session type: Classroom-based

It is 1562, and Queen Elizabeth I contracted smallpox. She lies delirious at Hampton Court Palace, apparently on the point of death. Who would rule next? The Court faces a terrible dilemma – deciding who will carry on the Tudor line.

Students will take on the role of the Queen's counsellors at this time of great danger. Through examination of the evidence and debating the major contenders for the throne, they will make the ultimate decision on the future of England.

Learning objectives

Students will:

  • Investigate what would have happened had Elizabeth I died, and explore the motivations behind the developments that did take place.
  • Develop their skills in use of source evidence to inform historical debate.

National Curriculum links

This session supports:

  • The development of Church, state and society in Britain 1509-1745.
  • Understanding historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance, and using them to make connections, draw contrasts, analyse trends and frame historically-valid questions.
  • Understanding how people's lives have shaped this nation and how Britain has influences and been influenced by the wider world.

Booking Information

Wednesday - Friday
10.30, 11.45, 13.15

This session is also available on our Schools only Tuesdays:


Tuesday 24 September
Tuesday 22 October
Tuesday 26 November    


Tuesday 25 February
Tuesday 25 March
Tuesday 20 May
Tuesday 8 July   

60 minutes

Up to 35 students

£104 plus admission

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