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Tudor Times

about this session

Key stage 1 | Subject: History, English | Topics: Tudors | Session type: Classroom-based

Find out what life was like at the Tudor court.

This fun and interactive session gives children the opportunity to find out about life at Tudor court, and to make comparisons with their own lives. Children are introduced to simple primary source material and everyday historical terms in this hands-on session.

The session focuses on handling replica objects, finding out about Tudor clothes and learning a Tudor dance popular with Henry VIII.

Learning objectives

Children will:

  • Investigate different aspects of Tudor life.
  • Compare and contrast Tudor life with the present day.
  • Explore materials used in Tudor times.

National Curriculum links

This session supports:


  • Developing an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time.
  • Identifying similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.


  • Asking relevant questions to extend their understanding and knowledge.

Booking Information

Wednesday - Friday
10.30, 11.45, 13.15

This session is also available on our Schools only Tuesdays:

Tuesday 24 September
Tuesday 22 October
Tuesday 26 November  

Tuesday 25 February
Tuesday 25 March
Tuesday 20 May
Tuesday 8 July 

45 minutes

Up to 35 students

£104 plus admission

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