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Profile photo of Dan Jackson

Daniel Jackson

Position: Head of Historic Buildings


Dan leads a team of curators looking after all of Historic Royal Palaces’ properties and landscapes. He joined Historic Royal Palaces in 2012, initially as an assistant curator, before becoming the historic building curator for Hampton Court Palace in 2013. He took on his current role in 2022. Dan has a BSc in Archaeology and an MA in Landscape Archaeology, GIS and Virtual Environments. 

Dan’s current research interests include visitor perceptions of authenticity in historic buildings, the archaeology of Hampton Court Palace, the work of Jean Tijou, and 16th century architectural terracotta.  

Select publications

Peirce, A., Jackson, D., Fitch, R., & Manning, A. ‘“It Feels Like You Have Stepped Back in Time”: Implementing Authenticity Research in Henry VIII’s Kitchens at Hampton Court Palace’, Collections, 16 (2020), pp. 34-59.

All articles by Daniel Jackson (4)

Hampton Court before Henry VIII

17 February 2025

When surrounded by so many of Henry VIII's remarkable buildings at Hampton Court Palace, it’s easy to forget that their story stretches back to the days when the Tudors were a small, fledgling dynasty. But look closer and you’ll find hints at Hampton Court’s early Tudor floorplan.

The Adventurous Life of a Masterpiece

15 April 2024

The glorious 300-year-old Tijou Screen marks the southern boundary of the Privy Garden at Hampton Court Palace. It was designed for William III and Mary II in 1689 by Jean Tijou – one of the greatest ironworkers who ever lived.

Wren's Royal Palace

08 March 2023

Head of Historic Buildings Daniel Jackson looks at one of Sir Christopher Wren's most famous and problematic projects: the remodelling of Hampton Court Palace.

Making Your Mark

10 December 2013

During recent conservation work in the Cumberland Suite at Hampton Court Palace, we made an interesting discovery. This drawing (above) was found scratched into a plaster wall that has been covered with wooden panelling for the past 300 years.