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School in the past

about this session

Key Stage 2 | Curriculum Links: The World Around Us, PHSE and Citizenship, History, Language and Literacy| Topic: Victorian, Education | Session Type: Online session

Explore the ways in which rich and poor children in 19th and 20th Century Ireland were taught in comparison to schooling today.

Pupils will become historical investigators in this online, interactive Zoom session as they virtually enter different Victorian classrooms. From a schoolhouse with a stern school master, to the homes of the educated ladies of the upper classes, students will learn about the variety of ways children were taught; what subjects they learnt, what punishments were employed, and how it felt to be a student boarding far from home, through the exploration of a variety of primary and secondary sources.

 Learning objectives

Children will:

  • Learn that there were differences in education for rich and poor children in the past.
  • Learn that educational outcomes were different for boys and girls in the past.
  • Learn how to use a variety of sources to find out about life in the past and ask perceptive questions. 
  • Learn what curriculum subjects, teaching methods, and schooling options were available to children in 19th and 20th Century Ireland.
  • Use their discoveries to draw comparisons between their own lives and the lives of people in the past.

 National Curriculum links

This session supports:

  • Pupils to explore how people and places have changed over time.
  • Development of historical enquiry skills, through using a variety of sources to find out about the past.
  • Development of speaking and listening skills and asking perceptive questions.
  • Pupils to compare their feelings with someone in the past.

Booking Information

10.30, 11.45

60 minutes

Up to 32 children in one class


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