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Exploring Historic gardens

Exploring Historic gardens

about this session

Key stage 1, key stage 2, key stage 3 | Subject: Wellbeing | Topics: Keeping well in the past and now | Session type: Route-based (gardens), seasonal

Activity-based walk through the magnificent historic gardens of Hampton Court Palace.

This sensory session takes advantage of the beauty and tranquility of the varied historical gardens of the palace and will give students the opportunity to take time out of ordinary curriculum-based learning. Students will be encouraged to use their senses to understand and appreciate the value of the natural world and the joys of an outdoor excursion, developing a sense of inner calm.

Through the topic of ‘keeping well in the past and now’, the session aims to nurture students’ social skills and emotional wellbeing in a safe and neutral space. The carefully developed activities and group tasks have been created to enable whole classes to connect with one another.

The session has been adapted to suit key stage 1, 2 and 3 audiences. Key stage 1 teachers may request a shorter, 45 minute version of the session at point of booking.

The presenter will deliver the session out of costume.

Learning objectives

Children will:

  • Learn simple activities and strategies that will support their wellbeing.
  • Find out how people looked after their health and wellbeing in the past.
  • Use their senses to explore different environments.

This session supports the PSHE curriculum (Health & Wellbeing/Relationships modules) for primary and secondary schools.

Booking Information

Wednesday - Friday
10:30, 11:45, 13:15

23 & 24 April 2025 
30 April – 23 May 2025 
4 – 20 June 2025 
2-18 July 2025

This session is also available on our Schools only Tuesdays:

Tuesday 20 May 2025  
Tuesday 8 July 2025  

60 minutes (Key stage 2 & 3) 
45 minutes (Key Stage 1)

Up to 35 pupils

£104 plus admission

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